R Programming: Example of how to write a function in R


What is a function? A function allows you to create a program that has a set of instructions that you use repeatedly or contains a complex set of commands that is easier to encapsulate in a function. This function is written in order to carry out a specific task.

The R programming language has many prebuilt functions, but the goal of this post is to give you a few examples of how to write a function in R.

A function in R is basically built around the following structure:

function ( arglist ) {body}

The body is where you are going to write your function.

Our function is going to look like this generic example:

nameOfFunction <- function(argument1, argument2) {

Let's write a basic function that adds two numbers together:

addIt <- function(x,y) {
  added <- x + y

Now, go to R command line and write the following:


How about another example where we square a number:

squareIt <- function(x) { 
  squared <- x * x

Now, go to R command line and write the following:


And that is it. You now know how to write functions in R!


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