Friday, March 14, 2025

There is a reason Target gets it right

What is the difference between Wal-Mart and Target? It's the same difference between Home Depot and Lowes. One has style and the other is...

A Dell of a lot of curiosity

I wonder how many people to go Dell and just test out configurations on computers to see the price. Certainly Dell has these numbers,...

Why the NFL are morons

I'm not sure I totally believe that the NFL are morons; however, those nationally televised games on Thanksgiving sucked. They really sucked. I'm tired...

Black Friday deals and who gets it

Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy and more companies got their Black Friday advertisements out early this year. Rather than waiting until we woke up Thursday...

Why SEO is the most overrated part of internet marketing

Everyone is going on and on about SEO. Sure, search engine marketing is important but its far too overrated. SEO can drive traffic however...

The Buffalo Bills considering Mike Shanahan–blessing or nightmare?

Everyone is reporting that the Bills are going to drop major cash on Mike Shanahan. As a huge Buffalo Bills fan I'm trying to...

In-And-Out burger lines them up

Does your business have anything that gets customers lining up outside waiting for you to open? Every time they open a new story people...

California Pizza Kitchen can’t take out the onions

The California Pizza Kitchen almost has too much to choose from. It took a good ten minutes to try and work my way through...

The Walmart Zhu Zhu Pets phenomenon

Every year parents go insane over some product for their kids. The last few years it has been video game systems, but this year...

How to start a petting zoo business

Why do over 900 people a day search for "how to start a petting zoo"? Wouldn't it be great if there was a search engine...
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