Friday, March 14, 2025

Going above and beyond

My family was going to order a pizza at our favorite pizza place, until we called and they didn't answer. I called every where...

Sears is completely clueless

I was trying to look at game tables for Christmas and Sears wouldn't let me without registering. Since when did I need to use...

What if someone started a non-profit college. One that was highly accredited. Something to compete with all the ITT's and Art Institutes of the...

Play to win: Steelers played to lose to win

What an ending. The Steelers weren't supposed to win against the Packers. A botched onside kick at the wrong time during a game. Bad...

What can you learn from Russell on “Survivor: Samoa”

So is Russell the hardest working player ever on Survivor or the worst character ever on Survivor? The first few weeks, my guess is,...

Freebies can be huge revenue sources

After looking around for books on analytics, I stumbled upon a book entitled "Behavioral Analytics for Dummies." It's an e-book by a company named...

When a company pays its customers back

Amazon Web Services announced today they were reducing prices because they have become so successful. Doesn't a company usually raise prices when a product...

When a website is missing a key ingrediant

It's often very easy to fix a simple problem on a website, but sometimes the fix is beyond the site's team because they don't...

Where can I buy Oxyfresh?

That's the exact question I tried to sort out. But when I went to their website that information was no where to be found....

Sell a cure, not a bandaid

I've had problems with my wrists for years. It's not carpal tunnel, its an old kickboxing injury. If you don't hit the heavy bag...
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