Friday, March 14, 2025

Apple iPad: Why is Apple the only company to dazzle us?

There is something that can be learned from Apple by every company. The Apple iPad conference was a spectacle. People sitting around offices watching...

Man Vs. Wild gear – or – how to marketing the real deal

Marketing is often about making you believe you need something that you don't. When I watch "Man Vs. Wild" all I can think about...

Selling ice to Eskimos

I was watching this interesting documentary on bottled water and couldn't help but think that the bottle water company did the unthinkable: they sold...

The Simon Cowell Lesson

Simon Cowell is proof positive that being the best in the world at one thing is amazingly valuable. Fox offered him over $100 million...

Windows 7: Is Flash crashing your browser?

After a lot of searching and researching I figured out why Flash was crashing in every browser on my new Dell Studio 17. IDT...

One team’s trash is another’s treasure

I still can't understand why one team would castaway their coach or assistant coach and other teams end up competing for their services. Especially...

The web needs a real revolution

Everywhere there are social media gurus. SEO gurus. There are all sorts of web gurus who tout their skills but don't seem to say...

Add Google Adsense to your WordPress Post

After having nothing but problems with Wordpress Plugins that run Google Adsense I decided to just do it myself. Its not hard. Go to your...

The top job search websites — really?

Sure, there are some pretty good websites out there that help find a job. But do they really do the job? Sites like HotJobs...

Reflecting is sometimes more important

When you drive a car the most important thing to be able to see is what is coming at you. The windshield is the...
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