Friday, March 14, 2025

Why Comcast Sucks Part 2 – And Why DirecTV Is Far Better

Everyone signs up for those great introductory offers and becomes a loyal customer to a company for a year. Then a year later guess...

Google Docs: How To Create a Web Site Scraping Software

I have been searching for a while for something to scrape data. I've wanted to scrape some football player data and cross-check it against...

How to get Attribution for your Blog and know who is Copying your Work

Okay, it doesn't work perfectly, but ever wondered who is copying your work and what they are doing with it? Even worse, want to...

How to Autopost from WordPress to Twitter

I was trying to to take a step out of posting something on Wordpress and then the need to go to Twitter to post....

Spotify: How to download for Offline Mode

So you have Spotify Premium and now you want to know how to download the songs so you can listen during offline mode or...

Service? Who gives a crap about service?

Today at the gym I saw a trainer texting while his client was killing themselves on the leg press. If I looked up and...

Cable television and the big missed opportunity

What year is it again? If you time warped from the year 2000 to your couch could you tell anything changed with cable? Not...

You Can’t Find What You Don’t Know You Need

This really sounds like an obvious--and dumb statement. But a lot of companies I come across who are looking to make stake their claim...

Cloning the good and moving beyond the bad

Fast Company had a really good article about finding bright spots and cloning them. Nearly every company has some aspect that is good--perhaps far...

The New Time of Caring

I've come across a new--new to me anyway--phenomenon--the new time of caring. Weird title I know. And surely the phenomenon isn't new--but it just...
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