Friday, March 14, 2025

Rated the best… huh?

How many times have you read or heard something was rated the best? While on vacation in Kauai our hotel's island guide said the...

I screwed up

President Obama admitted recently that he "Screwed up" with the nomination of Tom Daschle. It's refreshing. I hope companies take President Obama's lead and...

Why I love to love/hate Consumer Reports

I love Consumer Reports because I believe they are unbiased. I hate Consumer Reports because they are always way behind everyone else to review...

A service from Twitter I’d pay to use

Running a newspaper's online department offers some opportunities to try many new and interesting technologies. One that has been a constant issue however has...

Social shopping

There are two reasons I never buy clothes online: I don't know how they will fit or look on me. I'd love to be...

Keep it simple… you know the rest

I thought I was the only one who couldn't figure out in a pinch which button opens the elevator doors, but I've observed a...

All you need is love

The best marketing is when a company provides a service that you didn't know you needed. I went to the local grocery store and...

How not to do a how to video

My son needed a science fair project. So we searched the web. We didn't actually know what we were searching for, we were just...

Marketing dumb

I love this video--it's of two crooks in New Zealand who run into a pole. After thinking about it a bit it reminded me...

Another reason movie studio executives hurt themselves

I know, some of you are my friends.. but some movie studio executives are morons. Someone at a movie studio--they will remain nameless--made YouTube...
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