Friday, March 14, 2025

Sometimes a free service gets you more in the end

I remember when I moved to Connecticut years ago I needed to get my glasses adjusted and to find an eye doctor. The most...

What Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, Michael Vick and Michael Jordan didn’t understand

Four Michaels that made fortunes. Four Michaels that are completely ignorant about fans and marketing. Mike Tyson never realized that he had the world in...

Old fashion advertising can still work

Sure, Seth Godin owns the market on viral marketing. He believes that targeting the masses is a waste. I don't disagree that targeting marketing...

Why no one may ever catch Google

What does Google have that nearly no one has? Data. Massive amounts of data. Google knows what 70+% of the world is doing online...

What are people willing to pay for?

People expect news to be free online. Why? Because its free on tv right? Sort of--if you pay for cable or DirecTV its not...

GMC versus the world

I love the Audi Q5. There is no better SUV in my opinion. My wife and I were on the verge of buying the...

Training your dog

If you thought I was going to tell you how to train your dog I'm sorry my title misguided you. I'm not teaching, I'm...

Subway gets away with sucking

I can't believe I'm going to write about how dumb I am, but here goes. I often eat at Subway when I don't have a...

The new music industry

The music industry is doomed. Like the newspaper industry, car companies, housing, etc. Except none are really doomed, they just need a reboot. The...

Google never forgets

Watch what you write. Watch what you post. Watch what you read. Google never forgets. Even when the lights are out. Even when  you think...
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