Yes, social media is what you make it. And really, you need to make the best of it. Trying to do something quick and easy is going to provide poor results. It’s not really rocket science for people to get on Twitter and Facebook, however, they assume they are going to get away with something great by simply showing up. Social Media is far larger than that.
But that doesn’t just go for daft corporations. It also goes for agencies that sell themselves as knowing social media when all they do is dabble in it. Someone asked me to explain social media in the simplest of terms. I talked and talked about what it was but soon realized they only wanted the elevator pitch and I was giving them the whole book. Then the elevator pitch came to me. I said, “imagine public relations, marketing and customer service coming together.” And they got it. I threw together a simple model in Fireworks. Feel free to borrow or steal it or tell me it sucks (see below) .